MARLO Jimenez
Welcome to my site!
I'm Marlo
I am a multifaceted producer who specializes in Agile and Scrum. I have led a team of 60 developers on my first shipped game as a QA lead. I most recently shipped a game as a sole producer of a team of 30.
Click on the links below to see the shipped games.
Game Projects
Role: Producer & QA Project Lead
Team size: 60
Genre: Racer
Engine: Unreal 4
Platform: PC
Hex Rally Racers is a cute, local multiplayer racer. Not only was I a producer for 60 developers, but I also led my own team of 10 designated QA testers. ​
Cotton Valley
Role: Level Designer
Team size: 5
Genre: Puzzle
Engine: Unity
Platform: Mobile
Cotton Valley is a top-down puzzle game where a dog must race against time to herd alien cotton sheep into pens for Farmer Brown. I was a level designer for the tutorial section.
Google Tools
Microsoft Tools